
FPM Thailand is moving – and expanding!

Since 2008, FPM Thailand has been making a name for itself as a key player in the  construction of high-end cases and displays for watchmaking, jewelry, and spirits.

To keep pace with our growth and your ever-increasing requirements, we are marking the start of a new chapter with the opening of a brand-new factory.

New buildings for optimized production

Located near our historic Chonburi site, these new premises increase our total surface area to 14,000m2 and will now host all 350 of our staff.

The two new buildings are designed to maximize team comfort and separate our Packaging from our VM activities. L’usine se déploie de plain pied, offrant des espaces de travail plus spacieux et fonctionnels. 

Improving workflow and respecting craftsmanship

What defines FPM Thailand is our skill in combining artisanal know-how with cutting-edge technology to create high-end packaging. This new factory is centered and laid out according to our expertise. We reconsidered our workflow: whether made by human or machine, every movement and quality control phase has been taken into account, allowing us to improve our turnaround and the excellence of our products.


From scrupulous woodwork to laser etching, lining, lacquer, screen printing, and impeccable finishes, every scrupulous gesture can express its full potential, reflecting our artisanal excellence and industrial capacity.


A full offer range, from design to logistics

FPM Thailand does more than just production. Whether directly or through FPM France, we’re here to support you in every step of your project:

See u soon or in thai หรือเจอกันใหม่

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