

Watch and champagne cases, spirits boxes designed to perfection, excellent craftsmanship, cutting-edge engineering, the scent of freshly cut wood… Welcome to FPM Thailand!

Terry Larose, FPM Thailand’s managing director, opens the workshop’s doors to you.

From design to production

Reaching the farthest edges of our craft.

It’s the thoroughness, precision, and attention poured into the packaging creation process by our workers, artisans, operators, engineers, and designers. It’s the ability to create a product out of an idea that sparks in our developers’ minds, verified by our designers’ eagle eyes, taking shape in our artisans’ practiced hands. In other words, it’s mastering the entire spectrum of expertise and crafting needed to create packaging, to be fully independent in our field and open up our horizons.


Woodworking, lining, locksmithing, screen printing, veneering, lacquering… FPM Thailand harbors, maintains and preserves excellent craftsmanship, especially in wood – a specialty in Thailand.


The story began in 2008 with 20 employees. Today, we have 300 staff members working towards the same goal: excelling in our professions, reaching the farthest edges of our craft.

high-end technology

A state-of-the-art facility

The DIAM Group’s arrival in 2019 brought fairly big changes to FPM Thailand.

The workshop grew and transformed for the better. There was heavy investment in recruitment and engineering, strong support for environmental policies, and a research team dedicated to analyzing and reducing our carbon footprint for more responsible production (product lifecycle analysis, material sourcingstandard compliance, etc.).

At the same time, the Group’s engineers worked hand in hand with FPM Thailand’s teams to draw up an automated production line and support artisans and operators in their mission. Their goal was to produce large volumes while guaranteeing precise execution and appreciating our artisans. Challenge accepted! The engineers’ designs began with handiwork, and the overlap between human expertise and added technical value. Once the machines were made, our teams had to learn to dance with them. And it took less than a year to fully finalize the entire project!

Today, our technology extends handiwork with exceptional precision and unrivaled production capacity. Supported by machine operators, the automated production line executes a carefully choreographed routine, tailor-made to adapt to product specificities.

True support expertise

artisanat d'excellence

From brief to prototype to final delivery, our teams assist clients in creating their projects. They are available, attentive, and ready to give advice.

Our sales staff are packaging expertswho know how to pull the right levers for a successful project, and understand the stakes at play (aesthetic, economic, and environmental criteria). They know FPM Thailand’s techniques and capabilities like the back of their hands.

At FPM Thailand, we consider collaborating with we consider collaborating with our clients a true partnership a true partnership, with a common goal: a successful project delivered within the set timelines. We are proud to have earned the trust of leading brands in watchmaking, wines, and spirits.

We are high-end luxury packaging crafters, with everything that entails: a guarantee of excellence, honed expertise, eco-friendly production, and tailor-made support.

FPM teams

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