Having been devoted to its environmental commitments for over 10 years, DIAM is now among the 400 first global companies in line with a 1.5°C trajectory, as certified by SBTi. Companies pick up where governments leave off by validating their « Science-based Target » strategy to reduce their carbon footprint and consolidate limit global warming to 1.5°C.
The DIAM Group therefore set a target to reduce their (direct and indirect) CO2 emissions by 46% between 2019 and 2030. The entire Group is active on several fronts:
– Eco-design and innovation, based on a powerful product life cycle analysis tool that sifts through 15 environmental impact criteria.
– Energy efficiency in its factories
– Changing supplies in favor of primary material with optimized impact. For FPM, this means using 100% FSC materials (paper and wood), with an aim of using 80% of recycled materials for plastic.

ECOVADIS is a CSR evaluation that aims to observe how a company integrates sustainable development principles into its activity. Its method encompasses 21 criteria with key themes of society, the environment, ethics, and sustainable procurement management.
FSC® certification – absolutely essential to the packaging industry – aims to promote sustainable forestry worldwide. The FSC® label allows companies to guarantee that the products used came from regulated sources and were responsibly harvested.
FPM Thailand, DiamPack Thailand, has been FSC®-certified since 2022 and Nevacril, FPM Portugal, since 2023.

Protecting, listening, including, developing, connecting.

These are the 5 axes on which we base our social policy. DIAM firmly believes that it is women and men who make all the difference: our artisans, our teams, and the people who work with us.
We share common values of respect, creativity, and the love of work done well.
We create a safe, inclusive, creative and dynamic work environment that favors teamwork, which allows us to grow together and prepare for the future. Listening to individuals and the world around is also crucial to our mission.
We want each of our collaborators around the world to feel proud to belong to a community that is devoted to its clients, the planet, the most disadvantaged, and diversity. We want to have positive contributions to our teams’ work lives, so that everyone feels recognized for their work and appreciated for who they are in our organization.

Certified since 2013
The heart of our expertise is handmade craftsmanship. Central to our profession is sharing our experts’ vision, preserving artisanship, technology training, and passing knowledge down to the younger generations. This certification epitomizes our mission and proudly flies the values of a “Made in France” label.